avett jackson bennett rabern morgan county

Morgan County Charter Schools Mourn the Loss of Two Young Students, Avett Jackson and Bennett Rabern

In a tragic piece of news, Morgan County Charter Schools mourn the deaths of Avett Jackson and Bennett Rabern. 

The School located at 1065 East Ave, Madison, Georgia, 30650 mourns the tragic passing of their two middle school students, Avett and Rabern, who died in an ATV accident over the holiday weekend. Another child is reportedly in critical condition as a result of the crash.

An official statement was released by the school describing the kids as “the best of Morgan County”. The school has opened a counseling line and organized several counseling sessions to help staff, students, and families alike cope with the tragic event.

Morgan County Charter Schools Mourn the Loss of Two Young Students, Avett Jackson  and Bennett Rabern

Many have hit social media remembering Avett as a basketball star player and junior angler. Tributes from both the Morgan Country Basketball team and the fishing team poured in.

The Morgan County Basketball team wrote:

Today we mourn the loss of one of our own, Avett Jackson. Please join us in praying for the Jackson family, our players, our coaches, and our community. May God’s peace comfort all those hurting today after the tragic deaths of Avett Jackson & Bennett Rabern.

avett jackson bennett rabern morgan county

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