catherine healy death

Chicago Real Estate Agent Catherine Healy Dies During Childbirth, Death Leaves Husband Devastated

In a piece of tragic news, we announce the death of Catherine Healy, a beloved Chicago real estate agent who died during childbirth.

Per reports, she died during childbirth while delivering her daughter, Olivia. No doubt, her sudden demise has left her family, friends, and community devastated.

Catherine’s husband, Patrick who now navigates life as a single parent in his grief described his wife as a loving mother and wife. 

Chicago Real Estate Agent Catherine Healy Dies During Childbirth, Death Leaves Husband Devastated

A fundraiser has been organized to help Patrick with burial costs, newborn care, and of course healing during this hard time.

Chicago Real Estate Agent Catherine Healy Dies During Childbirth, Death Leaves Husband Devastated

The fundraiser was organized by John Setlak, a family friend. So far, 215,349 USD has been raised out of the 250,000 USD goal.

catherine healy death

Matt Laricy Group, where Catherine worked for 12 years describes her kindness and dedication. No doubt, her passing has left an indelible void in the lives of her family and community.

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